Ghozt Lighting Sequence Designer
The software works with a few different kinds of files; the main 2 are Project files (.GLP) and Hex files (.HEX). Project files include your LED arrangement, and all animations for various functions and are what you save/open with Sequence Designer. The Hex file is the file created by Sequence Designer when you click Compile, that is used in the MPLab software to re-program the sequencer.

Video Tutorial:
How to use our software:
- Download our latest version of the software from our website, you can add it to your cart and a download link will be made available.
- Watch the 2017 demo video above if you have not already
- Open an existing project in the Projects folder, found in your My Documents folder under Ghozt Lighting to play with and see how the software works.
- Default headlight project: Standard-28ChSwitchback
- Default taillight project: StandardTail-28Ch
- Modify an existing project or create a new project/LED arrangement from scratch until you are ready to re-program your sequencers
- Compile your project into a Hex file
- If this fails for any reason please contact Ghozt Lighting on Facebook or via and report the time/error
- Go to the Getting Started: MPLAB IPE page for information on installing and using MPLAB to re-program (flash) your Ghozt LED sequencers
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